Monday, July 4, 2011

I am so unbelievably blessed

I've known my entire life that there was something very special about the world I lived in. I've always felt happy and fortunate and thankfully I had parents who taught me that those feelings were what BLESSED people felt.

I've always had a love for words and colors and imagination and I feel like after years of traveling through life I have finally reached my gold pot!

My parents make everything so much easier for me than it should be. They also put an infinite amount of love into everything they do. I'm always so amazed by them. Being a young mother (I say young but 23 really isn't that young...), a new wife, and a full time college student, should scare me but it doesn't. My parents have taught me to have faith in everything and to NOT WORRY because God takes care of everything in the end. I am so fortunate to have had that kind of wisdom drilled into my head at such an early age.

But they haven't only blessed me with wisdom. I've lived like a princess my whole life and I get more and more thankful everyday.

Just this weekend they have blessed my husband and me with a new bed, couch, and tools for our new house! I'm so blessed. Can I say that too much?!

Just sharing the love I have for life. I really can't help but express it!!!!!

And just when life can't get any more happier, I look down and see my gorgeous son sleeping next to me. Ahhhhhh I love it :)

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