Monday, July 4, 2011

Suitcase chair... Successful!

I have NO clue who came up with this. I saw it on the iPhone ap Recyclart and had to recreate it, although I feel like mine is wayyy better ;) heheh

My poor poor husband..... I feel so bad for him. He spent hours and hours helping me put my ideas into reality with nothing but wood and screws... Oh, and a little rose printed fabric. To say the least.... He was miserable doing this. BUT he was such a good sport and didn't stop until he finished!

He's so great at supporting my ideas, even if he knows they won't work out. And even though it always ends with, "I told you so!", he still goes right along with me. He has helped me create a masterpiece!

And thanks to my wonderful Papa, we had all the tools and other random-things-we-didn't-know-we-needed at the wave of our wand. Papa even gave me my very own blue staple gun!!! Seriously! Who else would just GIVE me a blue staple gun? AND a hammer thats the perfect size for me! Gosh he is my hero! I love him :)

We want to make more of these, but we may need an actual plan next time. This was fun but I know Trey was stressed to the max. Lol poor guy!

We were able to repurpose and old recliner's cushions, which makes me so so happy! Trey helped me go get a recliner by a dumpster and I ripped all the old fabric off and sliced up the foam with nana's bread knife (shhh she doesn't know! What?! I asked her for a knife and she ignored me lol).

All I gotta say is.... I LOVE UPHOLSTERING! Now I see why everyone on HGTV does it on like every episode!!!

I had that trunk for sooo long. It's moved from town to town with me during my gypsy first-college days and it's been used as a bedside table and a coffee table and a computer desk.....
So I figured it was time to give it a permanent use.

The legs were given to me by a nice man at a local antique shop and I spruced them up with some white spray paint (donated by none other than Papa himself).

Gosh, I love it. It's going in my new guest bedroom that's decorated in green and pink hummingbirds and other beautiful happy things :)

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!'n

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